Colour Of The Month: Jojoba

For those of us who love DIY projects and other creative pastimes, finding new colour schemes and fantastic hues is always an exciting experience. In fact, the whole concept of “colour of the month” lets us explore new colours we can use for our various works of art. No matter if you want a trendy hue for fashion designs or you simply want to repaint the accent wall in your home, our colour of the month selects will always give you new options to try. With that in mind, here is a closer look at our March colour of the month: Jojoba.

Jojoba is a warm green hue that promotes tranquility. We chose Jojoba as the March colour of the month because it is a highly therapeutic colour that helps create an environment of balance, stability, and harmony. Jojoba looks great when paired with other natural colours such as warm blues, whites, tans, and browns, various shades of grey, and even cooler shades of red.

There is a renewed interest in clean tones that represent health, cleanliness, and sustainability. Clean tones create security and can bring us peace of mind while we are spring cleaning home spaces. Jojoba looks amazing on everything from floors to furniture and can help add an air of freshness to your home as you transition from winter to spring.

Slight variations of yellow-green and green create depth and a smooth room-to-room transition.

hallway Wall: Jojoba N390-3, fore wall: Toasty Gray N320-2

Jojoba adds a subtle pop of colour to areas such as bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, and more. Earthy pastels like jojoba have a unique trait that helps to make areas feel refreshed, while also promoting a more relaxed atmosphere overall.

A dark red accent creates a focal point in a light green room.  When paired, colour complements will enhance each other.

kitchen walls – Jojoba N390-3, hallway back wall – Modern Mocha N150-4, trim, door and ceiling – Smoky White BWC-13, kitchen island – Kalahari Sunset MQ1-25

Subtle multi-colour combinations can bring emphasis to an area, while keeping your eye moving.

upper wall: Jojoba N390-3, lower wall: Barnwood Gray PPU24-07, trim: BLACK, cabinets: Smoky White BWC-13

Neighbouring colours such as an aqua-blue and a light green have a natural relationship and are reminiscent of an early spring.

upper wall: Jojoba N390-3, lower wall: Voyage PPU13-07

Unexpected combinations of hushed green, reddish brown, and black create a cozy and restful bedroom.

upper walls: Jojoba N390-3, lower walls: Modern Mocha N150-4, trim & door: Broadway PPU18-20

A serene entry area gets a refreshing touch of colour to highlight the door.

entry walls: Smoky White BWC-13 door:Jojoba N390-3, house body: Jojoba N390-3

Jojoba is a trendy colour for everyone. Used for paint, décor or fashion, Jojoba provides endless benefits to anyone who uses it. To learn more about Jojoba, please visit

Colourfully Yours,


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