As self-pampering become more important than ever before, home bathrooms are turning into soothing and restorative escapes. Transforming a bathroom into a meditative escape does not have to take a lot of time or a special skill set. Built-in tubs are a feature in many older homes and may not always have a pleasing aesthetic. Our budget friendly make-over kept the main elements in the room and upgraded walls, cabinetry, and floors with only a coat of paint.

Paint Colors:
Walls: Silver Feather BWC-29 tinted in Interior Flat Finish
Accent wall: Starless Night PPU14-20 tinted in Interior Flat Finish
Trim: Polar Bear 75 tinted in Cabinetry & Trim Interior Semi-gloss
Vanity: Starless Night PPU14-20 tinted in Cabinetry & Trim Interior Semi-gloss
Floor: Polar Bear 75 & Starless Night PPU14-20 tinted in Porch & Patio Floor Paint
Paint can make an impact without replacing large room elements. Neutral colours and limited materials can transform this bathroom into a place of serenity. Starless Night makes a dramatic and refined accent. Finishing touches such as plants infuse this bathroom with life and colour.

A couple of few fresh coats of BEHR PREMIUM® Cabinet & Trim Interior Semi-Gloss Enamel paint can go a long way toward transforming your existing cabinets. A round mirror soften the hard vanity edges while simple, streamlined sconces omit a warm glow and add depth.

Brass faucet and hardware and lighting fixtures create a cohesive look and convey a sense of luxury.

A painted stenciled floor with BEHR PREMIUM® PORCH & PATIO FLOOR PAINT – LOW-LUSTRE ENAMEL creates a sense of refined texture while a large rug conveys a warm and comforting feel.

Baths play and important part of restoring the mind and body. Natural elements such as a bamboo stool, natural wood brushes, scented candles, bath salts and oils add a therapeutic and calming quality to a home spa. Lightweight, stylish shelves create interesting silhouettes and help maintain an organized display of spa/bath products.

For paint products information and colour ideas to transform spaces into relaxed and calming sanctuaries, visit the inspiration galleries on behr.ca.
Colourfully Yours,